Image: Simon Mills

Bored With The Form, 2022 concrete, glass, LED, lead, copper, steel, neon

Permanent Installation curated by Kate Murphy, Catalyst Arts, Belfast

In a boxed in piece of air an extruded concrete brick stretches out hopefully to reach the other side of the alley, hiding a quiet green glass plumb-bob below it. The embellished electrical conduit travels slowly back towards the only door to the alley, the gallery.

I used to have this day dream; looking down on myself from above. It always seemed to happen when I was walking somewhere. The way I had just come would have this faint red line along it and in front of me there would be a faint blue line stretching out to wherever I was going. Like those diagrams of blood-flow in the body where blue blood is returning to the heart and the red blood has just left it. I was playing video games at the time and finishing secondary school.